About us

Hello there, CGMovie is a blog platform to discuss movies and their reviews before and after their release. it contains movie reviews from Indian Bollywood to Tollywood and international Hollywood too. We respect the hard work of film directors and actors so, we never publish direct movie-downloading links on our website. we’re just reviewers of their movies. We hope you find this understanding and make it useful too.


We never give you the wrong information. We research the topics we write about for a minimum of 2 hours and then write the articles. We always try to give out our best. Our team reviews the articles written by them twice or thrice before they are published to ensure the article’s accuracy. We post Articles every 2 days and if possible sometimes we even post articles daily.

We all know that no one is perfect at everything. So if you face any questions or unnecessary/abusive items on-site, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We hope that you enjoy reading articles on different topics as much as we are dedicated to offering our best to you.

We have committed to providing the best and most verified information and respect your privacy. If you have any kind of issue, please check the privacy policy page. Before commenting, please also check the comment policy given on the disclaimer page. Thanks for visiting, Have a wonderful day!

What is Our Goal?

There are millions of websites created every day, also, there is much fake content spread on the internet.

So, Our main goal is to provide you with 100% Original and Safe content that provides you with a great and better experience on the World Wide Web.

We mainly focus on our service and improving it regularly to provide a better user experience to all users.

Basically, we focus on the Health and Lifestyle niche so, our main priority is to search for new content and present it in front of you to learn something new.

About CGMovie Owner

Now, the time is to know about the Admin Details of this website, so, now we have to go down to know about Admin details.

If you want to contact us then you can email us at cgmovie.in@gmail.com Also, you can contact us through our Contact Us form which is available on the homepage.

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